A detailed map of Orvainor, a fictional landmass with marked cities, towns, and regions. The map includes areas named Sanctaris and Lunaaris, key locations like Mordhian Porthe and Athura Torne, and distinctive geographical and magical significance labels. The map is styled on aged parchment with elegant black calligraphy, giving it a classic fantasy aesthetic. © TJ Hassall 2025. All rights reserved.

Worldbuilding Update: Orvainor… well, nearly!

A detailed map of Orvainor, a fictional landmass with marked cities, towns, and regions. The map includes areas named Sanctaris and Lunaaris, key locations like Mordhian Porthe and Athura Torne, and distinctive geographical and magical significance labels. The map is styled on aged parchment with elegant black calligraphy, giving it a classic fantasy aesthetic. © TJ Hassall 2025. All rights reserved.
A detailed map of Orvainor, a fictional landmass with marked cities, towns, and regions. The map includes areas named Sanctaris and Lunaaris, key locations like Mordhian Porthe and Athura Torne, and distinctive geographical and magical significance labels. The map is styled on aged parchment with elegant black calligraphy, giving it a classic fantasy aesthetic. © TJ Hassall 2025. All rights reserved.

I didn’t think I would get to work on this again for a few weeks, but I managed to find some time to add the most important names. I will be adding geography in the future!

This is two-thirds of Orvainor, which hosts the countries of Sanctaris and Lunaaris. These will probably be the most significant part of the first story, at least.  

The 1/3 missing from the map is the top island, which you can see on my map post last week. That is a place of Frost/Ice magic, but I’m not 100% sure of the names yet.


Sanctaris is a place of holy magic, healing and where the Valariels (holy light knights) train in Orvainor. All nine countries have a Valariel temple/castle, however, this is their capital. The marble castle is built upon a mountain from top to bottom and has an ethereal eight-hundred-year-old halo above it. The side facing south has a rather large wall and holy barriers the Valariels maintain for protection. A town surrounds the castle walls, and most who live there have either been a Valariel, craft/work for them or are related to them.


Lunaaris is of darker magics. This doesn’t mean they allow it, and it is openly evil; it is just that their knowledge of darker practices is greater than that of the rest of the world. Because of this, though, they do have a higher crime rate. Their Valariel keep has the largest prison in the world, and their surrounding forests have some questionable curses that are creeping up Orvainor. For example, Sangver Myro and Lunaarcathe (spelling needs to be corrected on the map) used to belong to Sanctaris. Mordhian Porthe town lies with an obsidian gate between Lunaaris and Sanctaris.

Thank you for following along on this journey! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the map – do you enjoy seeing the behind-the-scenes worldbuilding process? Let me know in the comments!

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